
Watch hundreds of Peruvian motorists line runway to help emergency plane take off

Life can be a little trickier in the remote villages of Peru. When doctors recently needed to fly a mother, her newborn child and a teenager all in need of emergency medical care from Contamana to a hospital in the middle of the night, the situation looked dire. The local airstrip that serves as the community's lifeline to the outside world has no lighting, and without the ability to see, the pilot had no way to get the plane off the ground safely. That's when a local radio station put out a call for help.

Nearly 300 vehicles showed up with their headlights blazing to light the way, allowing the plane to take off and the patients to get the medical attention they needed. The community wrangled up cars, motorcycles and rickshaws to give the aircraft a clear view of the runway in just 30 minutes. You can watch a quick BBC news report of this heartwarming display of humanity in the video below for yourself.

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