Study finds drinking wine could help you lose weight

It may be time to drop the dumbbells and pick up a glass of wine!

Research from Washington State University shows drinking wine can help with weight loss. This is great news, especially if you need to shed a few pounds after the holiday season.

But, of course, there’s a catch. There’s a two-drink maximum cut-off and you’ve got to drink in the evening. Still, sounds like a good deal!

Delish and Harper’s Bazaar broke down the science of it. It’s all because of a substance called resveratrol which helps convert “white fat” into “beige fat.” The latter is easier to burn off, according to Woman’s Day Magazine.

However, before racing to the fridge, here’s something to sober you up.

Washington State researchers add the helpful chemicals are filtered out when the wine is made.

Meaning, you’re better off getting your resveratrol fix from fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. They’re all-natural sources of resveratrol.

Still, we’d rather raise a glass than a bicep curl any day.

RELATED: Types of wine and where they come from
