Study: You could fail a drug test from second hand marijuana smoke

Second hand cigarette smoke may give you cancer, but a second hand toke from a marijuana joint could make you lose your job!

New research out of the University of Calgary might have people questioning the company they keep, especially if they work in an environment that randomly drug tests.

In this new study, the researchers prove that second hand smoke from marijuana can lead to raised THC levels, the active ingredient in marijuana. The presence of THC in a person’s system leads to failed drug tests, even if a person never takes a puff.

Raising the THC level in your bloodstream doesn’t take long. The study, published in Canadian Medical Association Journal Open, says, depending on the strength of the strain and the ventilation in a room, all it takes is 15 minutes for a THC to be detectable in a non-smoker’s body.

It takes up to two days for the secondhand THC to clear the system.

So, if your career requires you to be drug-free, it may take more than just avoiding bongs yourself. You’ve got to make sure the marijuana is nowhere near you.

RELATED: Health benefits of marijuana
